speech & language pathology
Our Speech and Language Pathologists have extensive experience working
in a variety of settings with children with special needs.

Speech language pathologists are involved in the assessment, diagnosis, and
treatment of a variety of communication and swallowing disorders for infants,
children, adolescents, and adults. Our SLPs have experience working in a variety of
settings with children and adults with communication disorders, including extensive backgrounds in working with children with autism.
*If a provider is fully credentialed they will only see you for one service.

Speech language pathology is a broad field that includes the following areas:
Speech: Articulation/Phonology, Voice, Resonance, Fluency, Apraxia, Oral Motor
Language: Expressive, Receptive, Pragmatic/Social Communication, Cognitive, Language, Aural Rehabilitation,
Feeding/Swallowing Disorders